Unibox Gmail

Last Updated on April 23, 2017 by

Unibox 1.7.2

Developer: eightloops GmbH


Gmail’s encryption is actually really weak, only working if both parties use its proprietary encryption method. Another email app we really enjoy is Unibox. Its main feature is grouping of emails by contact. Unibox's interface is very clean and easy to understand. It has a classic two-pane interface with all users that have sent emails on the left side and any email currently being read on the right. Every UI element is only visible when needed. For example, every time you hover on a discussion the trash can, which is otherwise invisible appears.

A completely new way to organize your emails.

“Unibox’s slick interface and contact-centric design make it the best client we tried.” — Appleinsider
“It’s easily the simplest and most unique email app on the Mac right now.” — MacAppStorm
“A welcome, fresh new approach to email on the Mac” — Macworld
“Unibox Makes E-mail About People, Not Boring Old Mailboxes” — Cult Of Mac

Unibox is an email client that groups your messages by sender. This way your emails are organized automatically and you always find what you are looking for.

Unibox supports IMAP servers:
– Gmail
– iCloud, me.com, mac.com
– Yahoo!
– Exchange if IMAP is enabled
– Hotmail, outlook.com, live.com
– Fastmail
– QQMail
– Self-hosted IMAP servers
– Many more

Single window:
Instantly compose your messages without opening new windows. Dan hartman singer obituary.

Easily drill down into a conversation view with multiple participants.

Powerful Filters:
Show only messages that are unread, starred, have attachments or were sent by people from your address book.

Unified Accounts:
View messages and conversations across all your accounts.

Switch Accounts:
Focus on single accounts or folders when necessary.

Unibox Gmail

Attachment List:
Quickly find documents and files you exchanged with other people.

Unibox Gmail

Any video converter professional software, free download. Attachment Grid:
Visually browse your attachments and images.

Genuine advantage validation. Quicklook:
Preview attachments without launching external apps.

Use multiple identities with a single account, including separate SMTP servers.

Btw, Unibox is now also available for iPhone and iPad.

What’s New in Version 1.7.2

Unibox Gmail Sign In

* Improved MacOS Sierra compatibility
* Bugfix for fullscreen mode
* Bugfix for timeout error that occurs with some providers and self-hosted servers.

Unibox Gmail App

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